There is new legislation for local government in Victoria to ensure councils focus on good governance and being transparent with their communities, as well as engaging with them before decisions are made.

What this presents is the opportunity for the Moreland community to have a voice in what good governance looks like.

The draft Governance Rules set out how meetings will run, how Council decisions will be informed and the requirements for Councillors and staff during election periods and when disclosing conflicts of interest.

The draft Public Transparency Policy talks about what information will be available to the community and the types of things that will be made available on request.

We have prepared draft Governance Rules and a draft Public Transparency policy after consultation with Councillors and seeking feedback from Council staff. You are now invited to have your say.

We are also interested in what our community thinks are the strengths and opportunities for improvement in our Councillor Support Resources and Expenses Policy.

Please submit your comments about the attached documents and / or join us at an online forum.

The documents will be available online from 12 June – 19 July. It is proposed final drafts of these policies will be presented to the August 2020 Council meeting.