Project Update!

The Moreland Children, Young People and Families Plan 2021-2025 was endorsed on 9 June 2021 and can be viewed in the 'Document Library'. The Plan will be professionally graphic designed and added to Council's webpage.

An Implementation Plan will be developed which will include a range of actions as we work towards achieving the Plan's vision of a community where children, young people and families are healthy, resilient, empowered, safe and belong.

Thanks for your involvement in developing the Plan!

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Amy Carson

Early Years Planning and Development Officer

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March Update

The consultation summary and a project information sheet are now available in the 'Document Library'. You may have also noticed the name of the Plan has changed, we've taken on board your feedback and changed the name to the Moreland Children, Young People and Families Plan 2021-2025. We are continuing to develop the draft Plan and aim to have this available for community feedback in April 2021.

Consultation process

The consultation process took place in August 2020, and consisted of two parts:

  1. A Community Survey to find out what you like about Moreland, what services you and your children may have accessed and share ideas on how we can improve the wellbeing of children and families in Moreland.
  2. A Children’s Activity, for children to have their say about what’s important to them in their community. You can see these contributions below.